Sunday, December 14, 2008

On An End Of Roosters

Long time no write! Sorry blog-land, between gearing up for the holidays and then finals, I have been slightly neglectful. But no more! I return, with the last of some roosters for a while (I promise!) :)

The first is a stuffed animal rooster than I created just for kicks. The picture isn't amazing because I was too impatient to wait for better lighting, but you get the gist.

The second is another watercolor painting, this time slightly more realistic. Can you tell I love color? He's a regular rainbow fowl! But I like him.

That's it for now, although I might have some more later with a quilt I'm working on. We'll see if I have anything picture-worthy!

Until then, I hope you're staying warm and enjoying this holiday season as much as I am.

Love and Best
your Bee ♥


VJ said...

I love your new blog layout! And I was unaware of your love of roosters...should I buy you the calendar of Extraordinary Chickens too?

Bee said...

HAHA! That *was* a pretty sweet calendar, but I think I'm pretty much fowl-ed out. :D My mom loves roosters (I think she even had a pet one as a child) so I love them by proxy. So cute! I also like cows. Bizarre. And I'm pleased you like my mildly altered layout, hee hee hee. I'll try to post more regularly now that it's break!

: )