Wednesday, November 26, 2008

On A Series Of Roosters

..And you thought that I was kidding. Ha! That'll teach ya. ;D Anyways, this one is just another random painting I made (at the request of my mother, because she thinks roosters are pretty adorable). Sorry for the slightly bad quality photograph, I was too impatient to wait for the kitchen to be fully lit.

Done in acrylic. Can you tell I'm procrastinating on my next problem set? The bane of my existence, haha! (That's a mighty fine existence, if my only real concern is a series of questions on set theory. :D) I hope everyone is getting pumped for Thanksgiving, and I may or may not be back with some more stuff later. We'll see. I'm debating between cutting up some fabric, doodling, going on a music spree (don't think that I can afford this, haha! what a habit~) or going to the bookstore. I think I hear some books calling, so image-uploading might not occur... xD

Happy Wednesday, regardless!

Love and Best
your Bee ♥

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

On (A Lack Of) Creativity

So I realized that for a blog that is supposedly about my "creative" life, I have absolutely nothing creative up on here! So because I'm lazy, and I've done my part to deplete the world's natural resources, I've decided that if I want to make a quickie post, I'll just show some old art. Some of it's laughably bad. No, check that actually; ALL of it is laughably bad! But just so long as you promise not to laugh TOO much, I don't mind a good chuckle now and again. :) So for today's first reminiscing drabble, I give you some watercolor roosters.

Behold! Absolutely no technical skill, but geez I like roosters so much. Actually, I could probably do a series on roosters.. yeesh! (Maybe I will... LOL! A series of rooster posts anyways~) Don't get too excited now.. ;D

P.S.- I'm a cheater and got a Flickr, because I thought that perhaps that would be easier than trying to embed every single photo I'd like to share. Plus this way, you can browse at leisure! But it looks like I'll run against my monthly allotment of space in about.. twelve images. Oops! Time to resize~ :) Hope the link works, and that everyone is getting excited for Thanksgiving. I know I am!

Love and Best,
your Bee ♥

Monday, November 24, 2008

On Life's Simple Pleasures

Our outdoor Christmas lights are up. And I'm very very happy! I don't care how old I get, it never ceases to bring a smile to my face when I start to see Christmas lights. They're like warm little fairies, beckoning you home, each bright color a tiny lighthouse for your very own harbor.

Happy holidays everyone, this day and the next and all the rest. :D

Love and Best,
your Bee ♥

Sunday, November 23, 2008

On That State Up North

So when I said I would update later, I guess I really meant.. much later! Haha, oops~ Well for anyone wondering, we *did* in fact beat that state from up north, pretty thoroughly actually. (This is only proper. xD) Sadly Michigan State couldn't win their game, but ah well; can't get everything one wants in this world. ;D Anyways, enough about M*ch*g*n.. we don't give a.. particular care for them anyways!

Okay, so this long awaited story- I'm sorry that it isn't actually a very good story. Too much build up! Basically, it goes like this. I get to campus at around 8, but my first class of the day doesn't begin until 9:30, so usually I spend this time productively. You know, working on homework, catching up on reading, or at the very least checking my email. (I really need to go through and delete/respond to a bunch. I'm sorry!! I'm behind again..) But on this particular morning, I decided to instead go and revel in nature. So instead of sitting in a warm, if empty, classroom, I trekked around the Oval taking pictures. As I'm engrossed taking pictures of one tree in particular, all of a sudden out of nowhere someone asks if I want my picture taken.. with the tree. Startled, I jump, she jumps, and I realize it's my professor, unintentionally snuck up on me. I don't think that I can quite convey the very dubious way she looked at me, and the flat out hilarity of her expression as she asked me this. I politely declined, and then got stuck walking to class with her a full hour early, where we discussed a previous lab. So instead of some quiet time alone to reflect on the beauty of nature, I looked over my previous lab results. Haha! Oh goodness. (This also resulted in her telling me that I have "a very weird head" which additionally cracked me up. She meant in the sense of my pronunciation of the word "head" and the vowel therein, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the comment immensely. She sounded so scandalized, oh goodness! I guess I'm a deviant dialectal... :D)

So yes. That is the story. Aren't you all glad you waited for it?? No?! xD Too bad~

Love and Best
your Bee ♥

Friday, November 14, 2008

An Inaugural Post

I have considered getting a blog many times over. After all, who doesn't like to talk about their own life?! ;D But time restrictions and lack of content have always driven me away. However- no more! I am now the proud owner of a blog. I'm not entirely sure what I plan on doing with this space; I feel like I have to have some sort of target function and audience in mind. How personal should this be? I'd like to be able to talk about things that matter to me, but I also want to maintain my privacy. I'd really like for this to be a craft blog, but I am uncertain about my creative pacing; currently I'm in slow slow maybe-I'll-finish-this-before-I-die mode! So I think I'm going to settle on having a "happy life" blog. I want to collect, recollect, create happiness in my life and share it with you all. I think that having a blog to keep me accountable will make my goal of finding happiness everywhere much more tangible. So that's where I'd like to take this- phew! What a tall order~ :]

I guess I can only promise to do my best (and forewarn that sporadic updating will probably be the only constant around here, haha!)

Love and Best,
your Bee